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Install MongoDB 7 Community Edition on Rocky Linux 9

In this post we go through the process of installing MongoDB 7 on a Rocky Linux instance. This includes the basic setup, enabling authentication and creating an admin user.

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Minimal Rocky Linux 9 Virtual Box image for Java development

On June 30, 2024 CentOS 7 will reach end of life. Time to use Rocky Linux 9 as base distribution for my Virtual Box images. In this post I describe a step-by-step process to create and configure the initial Virtual Box image.

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Setup a Kafka cluster with 3 nodes on CentOS 7

Apache Kafka is an open source distributed stream processing platform. From a high-level perspective, Kafka is a distributed messaging system that allows producers to send messages to a topic and consumers to read messages from a topic. Kafka is massively scalable and offers high throughput and low latency when operated in a cluster. This post explains how to set up a Kafka cluster consisting of 3 nodes for a development environment.

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Create a minimal CentOS 7 Virtual Box image for Java application deployment

When working on a server-side Java project, I usually prefer to use a virtual machine to run the application. This post shows an example how to set up a Virtual Box CentOS 7 image that can be used to deploy our applications. An image like this can also be used to install services the application requires, e.g. a MySQL database, a Kafka instance or a distributed Ignite cache. I decided to describe this task quite detailed as I will use a basic image like this for several posts in the future.

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Start script for Spring Boot applications with sytemd on CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 17.10

In this post, we will create a Linux start script for a Spring Boot web application. The example is based on CentOS 7 / Ubuntu 17.10 using systemd. Additionally, we will utilize the Spring Boot Maven plugin to create an executable jar file. This executable jar file will be used in the context of systemd to automatically start the application whenever we restart the Linux server.

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