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Spring Boot - Access build properties at runtime

This post describes how to access Maven build properties at run time. As an example I will use a simple command line tool built with Spring Boot.

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Start script for Spring Boot applications with sytemd on CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 17.10

In this post, we will create a Linux start script for a Spring Boot web application. The example is based on CentOS 7 / Ubuntu 17.10 using systemd. Additionally, we will utilize the Spring Boot Maven plugin to create an executable jar file. This executable jar file will be used in the context of systemd to automatically start the application whenever we restart the Linux server.

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Thymeleaf Layout Dialect as Decorator Pattern for a Spring Boot web application

In this post, we are going use the Thymeleaf Layout Dialect to create a web application template for a simple blog site. The example Spring Boot application is based on Thymeleaf and Bootstrap 3.

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Simple Spring Boot CRUD application with Client-side form validation

This post describes how to add client-side form validation to an existing Spring Boot web application. The example code uses Thymeleaf Template Engine, Bootstrap 3 and Spring JPA in conjunction with HSQL DB.

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Simple Spring Boot CRUD application with Server-side form validation

This post describes how to add server-side form validation to an existing Spring Boot web application. The example code uses Thymeleaf Template Engine, Bootstrap 3 and Spring JPA in conjunction with HSQL DB.

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