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Thymeleaf Layout Dialect as Decorator Pattern for a Spring Boot web application

In this post, we are going use the Thymeleaf Layout Dialect to create a web application template for a simple blog site. The example Spring Boot application is based on Thymeleaf and Bootstrap 3.

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Simple Spring Boot CRUD application with Client-side form validation

This post describes how to add client-side form validation to an existing Spring Boot web application. The example code uses Thymeleaf Template Engine, Bootstrap 3 and Spring JPA in conjunction with HSQL DB.

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Simple Spring Boot CRUD application with Server-side form validation

This post describes how to add server-side form validation to an existing Spring Boot web application. The example code uses Thymeleaf Template Engine, Bootstrap 3 and Spring JPA in conjunction with HSQL DB.

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Simple Spring Boot CRUD application with Thymeleaf, JPA and Bootstrap

In this post, I will describe a full working example of a simple Spring Boot based CRUD application. The example code uses Thymeleaf Template Engine, Bootstrap 3 and Spring JPA in conjunction with HSQL DB.

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Spring Boot basic secured start project for web development

In this post, I will walk you through the process of creating a minimal Spring Boot web application. I use a starter project like this quite often for checking out new features or creating a proof of concept (POC). The web application will have two separate areas, a publicly accessible site and a user/password secured admin site. This example shows how to create a custom form based login screen using bootstrap 3.

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